Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 2001 Olds Aurora Heater Fan, 2001 olds aurora, olds aurora
Question-Hi again, we thought it was just the heater fan noise, but now when I put the car in the garage, it has a horrible smell, like old chicken parts in the trash. Could it be that an animal of some sort crawled up into the fan and is in there decaying? If so, how do we get it out? My husband is not the handy type when it comes to cars.
Thanks again.
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2001 Olds Aurora v-8 4.0
Just developed a loud roaring noise when the heater fan comes on. Any suggestions would be helpful.
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hi lynne.yes as a matter of fact ,it is so nice to finally get an easy one.lol you need a fan motor.it will make noise for awhile then it just will stop working.if you want to change it write back i will be happy to tell you how.good luck and ty for asking.please take a min of your time to rate my service it is important to me and hardly anyone does lol ty billymac
Answerhi lynne, well yes this is very common and since the mtr is not working the problem prob a mouse is in the motor area.it is pretty simple to remove this mtr. the motor will be in one of two places .# 1 under the hood near the firewall on the passenger side if it is there it will be easy to spot .#2 or under the dash on passenger side he will have to remove a panel for access and there isabout 5 screws that hold it on .after you remove it and clean it out it will most likely still work. and the smell will go away with airfreshner.good luck feel free to write back if you have more questions /please take a min of your time to rate my help or my rateings will drop ty billymac