Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1996 ford taurus 6 cylinder, brake lathe, ford taurus

I have a 1996 Ford Taurus that I have had the entire brake system fixed, master cylider, pads, etc. and I am still hearing a grinding noise in the back of the car.  I hear it mostly first thing in the morning backing out of my driveway.  I have had the mechanics look at the brakes and they found nothing but a little brake dust after having them installed 3 months prior to then. Please help.

hi julia,well the noise certainly sounds like brakes rubbing the other possibility.is the backing plate rubbing.which is a medal plate behind the brakes .but i would think the mechanics ould have checked this carefully.have them check the backing plates for rust.or bent .if they find nothing wrong have them turn the rear drums or disc whichever you may have.even if they are new sometimes they are out of round this can only be found on a brake lathe.and should be under warranty.be sure and tell the mechanics if they don,t find a prob that you want them turned.so they don,t put it back together twice.stick to your guns julia if there is a noise there is a cause make them get it right.please take a sec to rate my service..ty billymac