Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Hesitation, hesitation problem, wd 40
QuestionI have a '93 Olds 88 with 84,000 miles on it.I recently developed a hesitation problem. It starts and idles fine and pulls out at low speeds fine, but if I accelerate quickly or am going up a hill I get some hesitation. I put a can of injector cleaner in recently and have used about half of that tank but haven't noticed any improvement. Could it be a problem with the fuel filter? If so, where can I get info on changing it? I bought the car about 3 1/2 years ago with 52,000 miles on it and have not changed it before. Do you have any other suggestions? The air filter was recently changed. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks, Tom
Answerhi tom, well yes prob fuel filt.
the filter is inline near the tank.this may be fun tom.because these lines rust and if filter has been on there for this long you will need to spray the fittintgs.with wd 40. or pb blaster.put a strong pair of vise grips on filter end and hold this very tight.as not to let the line move because the line twisting will break it this would be very bad and expensive.be sure the fittings move freely around the lines before you twist them off.the key here tom is not to let the lines move .maybe you will be lucky and they will come loose but don,t count on it.but spray the wd 40 on it a cpl times before you attempt this.like the day before..good luck tom..please take a min of your time to rate my service it is very important to me ty billymac