Questionno cluster night lights,checked all fuses,pulled dash panel,probed light switch,found 2 hot ckts,pulled cluster removed bulbs,all checked ok.ohmed socket circuits,with bulbs removed,get readings both sides of socket,at this point without schematic i cannot prove if switch or panel is bad,both very expensive.I did not want to apply 12v jumper for fear of hitting a ground and damaging ckt card in switch and or panel.I
could not obtain a schematic from anyone,dealers do not wish to share.Any help would be gratfully appreciated.I also checked for salvage yards local,no 94 olds on hand.
Thanking you for your help
Bob E.
Answerhi bob.good judgement most of the powered options in your dash are 5 volt ckts.12 volts would certainly damage far as a schematic bob haynes manuals readilly avail at any parts store.will have what you need..i am not sure if you have a digital dash or not.if you don,t the dash lights are run off a potentiometer inside the headlight the way to test this is with a voltmeter.turn parklamps on slowly adjust the dial for dash lights and watch the meter voltage should increase and decrease while you are adjusting.if it does the switch is working.this is very complicated if i can helpm you further feel free to ask please take a sec to rate my help ty billymac