Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: olds 1994 cutlass ls 2door 6cylinder, screw driver, open cable
i can't get the hood release to open. cable is broken and can't get it to open by pulling on the old cable with vise grips. looking for a schematic or trick to popping the latch without having to take off the grill etc.
can you help?
Answerhey dan..well yes there is a cpl of tricks here is the easiest.reach up under the bumper.feel the cable.pull the caseing loose from the latch now pull on cable houseing.but first have someone pull the cable with the vise grips you take a screw driver try gently to pry it open slap the hood in the center.and pry at the same time if not you know what you gotta do .good luck please take a sec to rate my service ty billymac