Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: harmonic balance pu;;ey, harmonic balance, buick century
Questionmy car is a 1988 buick century. Recently the ring that is on the outer part of the harmonic balance came off. It is the ring that has grooves for the belt
I was able to press it back on with a 2x4. and it stayed on for about 100 miles now it just falls off after 5-10
how can I repair this with out taking off the harmonic balancer? or what is the best course of action?
Thank You for any advice.
Answerhi joe.well you can,t really repair this it is glued to steel and then heat shrunk so as far as repairs there is none it has to be replaced the whole pulley joe.i am assumeing the reason you don,t want to replace is one cost or two the bolt will not come loose.so you can get a used one from the junk yard.and if bolt will not come off and you don,t have access to a strong impact wrench.take a long half inch drive ratchet,put a pipe on it lay the pipe on the front of car where hood latches.hit the ignition switch to crank the eng do not let it start the bolt holding it on will be 15\16.good luck please take a moment to rate my service ty billymac