Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: taking off a hub..., buick park avenue, full size cars
Questionhello. i am going to change brake shoes to a 91 Buick park avenue. how do you take off the hubs?
Answerhi lynn..lol let,s just for the sake of argument, say you are going to take off the drums or rotors.and not the hubs two entirely diff things.but i have heard them called hubs before. this is not hard at all.there is two types of drums.a slip on and a carrier type.the slip on which most full size cars have.after you remove the wheel take a hammer and give it a solid hard hit on the drum between the studs,be very careful not to hit the studs.this should loosen it up if it is loose but won,t come off.back the brake adjusters down.useing the slot in the rear of bthe drum .good luck please rate my help ty billmac