Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Cruise Controls, 1990 chevy lumina, chevy lumina
QuestionHi Billy,I own a 1990 Chevy Lumina Sedan.V6 Euro,3.1 engine. I'm having trouble engageing the cruise control which is located on the wiper blade,directional stem. When I slide it to engage there is no response?
Thanks for any advice that you can share on this problem.
Bob Robinson
Answerhi robert.well open your hood you will see the throttlebody there at one end or the other of the engine there should be two or three cables there.make sure they are hooked up.next if they are you will find a cruise servo.one cable from the throttle body will goe directly to this servo it is round about 8 in around and has a rubber thing on it which is a vacum diaphram.there is a electric plug on this unplug take a test light and have a assistant turn key on and engage cruise switch test that plug until you find a wire that comes on with that switch.now once you locate this wire if it goes on and off with cruise switch.then you can eliminate a electrical prob.now there is a vacum line going to brake switch be sure it is hooked up it is mounted right on top of brake pedal make sure there is vacum there if not look under hood and find loose hose.. please take a few mins to rate our service ty billymac