Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: temperature, coolant level, olds aurora

My 95 Olds Aurora V8 has been running really hot, close to red, in light traffic lately.  Normaly is runs at 200 degrees.  It has been really hot outside lately which doesn't help.  My coolant level is fine and the fans are working.  What could it be?

hi m.well first of all 200 degrees is normal for that eng and it is not normal too run 210 or 220 .my first suspect would be the thermostat probably needs replaced.however this engine is a very complicated design.and the only thing i can reccomend is    first remove t stat do not put it back in yet but put houseing back on.next put in a flush tee in one of the heater hoses hook a water hose to it run the engine leave radiator cap off this will back flush eng.flush for 20 min .shut water off drain cooling system comepletely.mix 50/50 antifreeze mix which will be about 1 . 5 gal of anti and rest water.the tstat sometimes has to be removed on some vehicles.and yes m in a perfect world the car should run at normal temp with t stat.but aroura is bye no means a perfect system lol  good luck..billymac