QuestionWe have replaced the cooling blower motor, the sensor, checked the fuses under the dash all are ok. e also checked the switch relay, none of the fuses under the dash say they are for the cooling blower motor. Now what? The fan still does not kick on. Are there fuses somewhere else?
Sorry this answer is so late...I signed out on vacation, but the site doesn't seem to update all the areas I am in, even though it says it will.
But on to your question, in case you haven't solved it yet.
I would expect a cooling fan relay to be under the hood, as well as whatever type of fuse goes to it, which could be a fusible kink, although I don't remember any coolant fans having a fusible link.
If the sensor is working properly,(the coolant level in the engine must be full), and the relay is working when tested, then the ECM is a possibility, although I really doubt that. They are pretty dependable.
A wire schematic would help a bunch.
Like I said, I hope you have it figured out already, but if not, write back, and tell me the vehicle info again, and I will try to look something up for you.