Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: 1994 Ply. Gr. Voyager electrical system, rear windshield wiper, plymouth grand voyager
QuestionMy problem is multifacited. I bought a used 1994 Plymouth Grand Voyager about 3 years ago. It has been a wonderful vehicle, however it has some really annoying problems. My rear winshield wiper only makes noise when turned on and will not move.When I open my door, even with the keys out, the car beeps at me. My remote keyless entry quit working. The dome light stays on unless we turn it off with the switch. And last, but certainly not least, the cruise control does not work. These problems, save for the rear windshield wiper and the cruise control, started after our van door was left open all night one night. No one has been able to help us. Can you? Your help is greatly appreciated. Thank you, Trevia Smith
this from leaveing the door open all night the compuiter as to be reprogamed by a dealer it is 45 dollors to do this serivice and will do the trick . and as far as rear wiper turn it on go to rear of van see if you can hear the motor runing and if yes . then pull off wiper arm and see if the gear goes back in forth and if yes chang the gear and replace the wiper arm . Good luck to u hun and you have a pretty name pete