Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: brakes, buick roadmaster wagon, 1994 buick roadmaster
QuestionSomeone resently worked on my car, and when I drove it, my brake pedel floored. Deciding to check the fluid, I discovered a very very large crow bar was left laying on top of my brake cillender. After removing it, my brake pressure returned, some fluid had spilled out, and now the mechanic is telling me the cillender, spelling probably not correct, needs replacing. I feel that the pressure of the crowbar, kept the brake plunger from feeding into the cillender. Could this be possible. Please ans, as soon as you can, I can not afford to keep purchasing parts, if not needed. Thank you, bettieg P.S. the car is a 1994 Buick Roadmaster Wagon, and I had no problems with brakes before they replaced the power steering box.
Answerhello bettie
you are so wright this a stuiped mech. to leave a crow on a master cyl. if you have any troulble with thoes brakes u make sure you do not spend a dime and he must make it wright . good luck to u hun and if u need any more help u let me know . and u have a pretty name pete