Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: olds van, fuel pump, fuel system
Questioni am workin on a 92 olds silouette van i changedthe fuel pump and filter and the relays for the pump and the fuel system it has plenty of pressure in the line it will start and only run a few seconds then die i can get a lot of air out of the valve on the line and then try to start it back up and it will do the same thing it wants to run but notlong the injectors r workin the air filter is clean and im gettin all the volts to every thing could it have air locked past the valve in the line and im not gettin it all out what started all this is a women ran it out of gas and her husband tried tom start it with startin fluid not a little the whole can real smart huh im ready to blow it up with dyno mite well thank you hope u can help soon it has the 3800- in it
AnswerI think the pump is sucking air. Did you fill the tank, or just put a little in it?
I assume the pump is in the tank. If not, I would sure check the connections on the tank side of the pump for leaks.
If the pump is in the tank, I think I might pull it back out, and see if the pump sits in a container inside the tank that keeps fuel from freely getting to it. If so, there is a return line, and it needs to return the fuel INTO that container.
But for some reason, the pump is starving for gas.
Good luck,