Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: electrical mystery, buick century, loose wire
QuestionI have an 88 buick century and what seems like all of the sudden, when I turn my car on so the engine starts if I press the brake,turn on the light, or any electrical in my car the engine turns off. I can't even get it out of my drive way. Also, when I just have it idol for about 25 min. and then try the brake and lights my car seems fine for about 5 minutes and then turns off again. Or when it is idoling every time after 30 minutes or so and I don't do anything with the brakes or lights my car turns off. I was wondering if you had any idea of what the cause of this may be and/or how to fix it? I would appreciate the help since I can't keep my car running long enough to get it into a mechanics. Thanks alot
AnswerHi Brittany,
I don't know anything about them, but it sounds like it might be associated with the theft system, but that is just a guess.
It could also be a loose wire connection.
Afraid if I were you, I might have it towed in, unless someone close will check it on the spot.
Need to see if spark or fuel is the problem, or something electronically shutting it off.