Oldsmobile/Buick Repair: Frozen Fuel Lines, drygas, car wont start

Hi, the problem I'm having with my car is this, The tempature dropped to -20 degrees, and now my car wont start. There's half a tank of gas in it, it turns over. I've added "heet" to it while it isn't running. What should my next step be, and what are the possible problems.

Thank you for you assistance.

Hello Tori,
Your problem is, you need to run the heet before it freezes.
Now, you either need to wait till the temp gets above freezing, or unfreeze the lines, which is probably where some water is frozen and plugging the system.
Drop lights and heating pads around the filter, on the engine near the carb or throttle body, fuel pump if engine or frame mounted, lines, etc.(you didn't say what kind of vehicle).
Once you do get it running, keep some heet or drygas in the tank, and consider changing where you get your fuel.
Keeping the tank topped off cuts down on condensation, also.
Good luck,