Plymouth Repair: 96 voy 3.3 tran fluid change, cycle gears, trans fluid
Questionhow do i change the trans fluid and filter on 96 ply
voyager 3.3?
thank you
Jack front end up. Remove pan bolts (pan is on drivers side and has wiring loom clipped to front. Leave 1 bolt left in the front of pan so it doest fall of f when you pry it down. Gently pry down on the pan to get the fluid to drain. They can be stuck like a fat kid on a smartie so you might have to pry hard enough to almost bend the pan. IF you bend it slightly be sure to straighten it out when you install it. Drop pan, clean pan. Remove and replace filter. Clean all parts and apply RTV silicone to pan before install. Install bolts quickly in pan before fluid starts to drain out the back and cover the lip with fluid. (you wil get a knack to wiping it with one hand and putting the pan up with the other!
Tighten fasteners to spec and then fill trans with 3.5 liters of fluid. Start and run and cycle gears and then adjust fluid to full mark.