Plymouth Repair: 1989 plymouth voyager wont drive forward, plymouth voyager, cv joint

Hi, i have only had this van about 2 years, about a year ago i had to have the engine replaced because i had an oil leak that caused the engine to freeze up. Long story short it was fine til a couple of weeks ago, we were driving home and it started making a clicking noise and then drive went out. It stills runs just fine and will go into reverse and neutral just fine. I was told by a friend it might need to have the transmission replaced, but before i pay two grand to have that done on an 89 i wanted to know if it could be anything else? please help!


 Check fluid

 Check and see if it broke a driveshaft. Look underneath while someone tries to drive it.  It its the tranny the shafts won't move at all.  If it has a bad shaft you will see one of them turning and the joint probably broke by the wheel  (cv joint).
