Plymouth Repair: Shift cable, napa auto parts, plymouth sundance

I am a counter sales person at Napa Auto Parts and I am having a problem with an application. The customer has a 1990 Plymouth Sundance with a 2.5 engine and a manual transmision. They have purchased 4 shift cables for this car. 2 from the dealer and 2 from us. They keep burning the casing on the cable because it is laying on the exhaust. I cant help but wonder if they are routing this cable wrong. THey say that the linkage bushings keep falling out and the cable falls against the exhaust causing the problem. My question to them was, "how can there be so much damage to the cable if the bushing fails?" How would you shift the gears?  It has to be an installer error. Or am I going crazy? There is way to much heat damage for this to just happpen as fast as they say. If the cable popped of you would know right away as you would not be able to shift. I am going nuts trying to figure out how to help them.
Any input would be most appreciated.
Mike D.

hello mike
you are right the cables are not installed the right waythe linkage bushing is not installed the right way if it was would not fall out causeing the calble to drop on the caseing thay need to get a serivice manuial on this car to show them how to install the proper way . pelople like this will hurt your company . if u need a step by step how to do let me know i will give it to you

please rate my serivice pete