Plymouth Repair: Plymouth Voyager Oxygen Sensor Repair, plymouth voyager, oxygen sensor
QuestionI own a Plymouth Voyager Van, 103 thous. plus miles, 6 cyl. The "check engine" light came on now twice, but does not always come on each time I drive it. A mechanic said it was the "Oxygen Sensor." Question: Is this a repair we can make ourselves, and do you offer instructions to do so? Thanks in advance.
[email protected]
AnswerHello Vivan
Did your mech do a diagnostiac test to make sure it is what you are telling me .
If not i would get a diagnostiac so this does not cost you more money than what it worse
the oxy senser is on the top of the motor it plugs in and the wires conet and cac lines . better to have a shop do this serivice . please rate my serivice pete
ps some 3.3 have the oxy senser under the car in cross over pipe check that loc. first and thire is two of them pete