Pontiac Repair: done everything still overheating
QuestionQUESTION: so I have a 2003 Pontiac grand am se 3.4L v6 and about 3 months ago (3 weeks after purchase) we replaced the water pump since we were warned about it possibly going out soon it ran great for 2 weeks a friend took it for a tune up and oil change (he claims all he did was replace plugs, wires, and oil change) the next day over heated left us stranded. Was told it was intake manifold gasket, replaced that then same problems continued, head gasket went out so we tried blu devil, (was told after that didn't work tried 2 or 3 cheaper other ones) so replaced the head gasket, got everything put back together just to find out the starter had finally had it, replaced that still misfiring so did another tune up (wires and plugs) alternator ultimate went out during all these processes so replaced that, the battery had a bad terminal so replaced that as well, then the person working on my car somehow broke the pulley tensioner so replaced that. Found out 3 days ago the thermostat had been removed the fist time it over heated so had to go get one and put it in place ran codes and again multiple misfires was also told to clean the egr valve, new plugs and wires again and cleaned the EGR valve and now here we are the car is still overheating within 10 miles, idling extremely rough, and sounds like a whining no power steering fluid sound but has power steering fluid.... PLEASE help me my grandparents helped me out buying this car for me July 4th and it was been broken down since my daughters bday august 11th we are tired of being stranded and running completely out of options! Thank you so much for your time!
ANSWER: hi Brittney:
from the sounds of this you have coverd your bases so far but it sounds like it's a mechanical issue like a blown head gasket. probably due to being run low on coolant from the leaking intake manifold gasket. The electric cooling fan do ruin on this correct? if the a/c still works on this car turn the a/c on and let the car run for a few minutes the cooling fan should ruin . it's a quick check if it works then I'm thinking is a head gasket issue. good luck :-}
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The only time it ran low on fluids and over heated was the very beginning head gasket has been replaced since then and the car hasn't moved in 3 about 3 month since then, any chance you have any other suggestions. I really appreciate your time and trying to help as far as the ac goes I am not to sure as of right now what the status is on the fan but last time we cranked the car and started to run hot they did not come on....
Answercheck the fan oiperation first and foremost with that quick test I said. if the A?C doesn't work that is not a valid test start it up and let it run and see if the fans come on when it gets hot do not allow it to over heat. if it runs real hot and the fans do not come on I think you found the problem.