Pontiac Repair: Dead instrument gauges in 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix
QuestionI have a 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix GT with an apparent electrical problem. Sometimes when I either start the car or while I am driving, all of the gauges on the instrument panel (except the speedometer) go dead. The A/C stops working also. The computer display says Low Fuel even when it is not low. I have to turn off the ignition, and restart the car for the gauges to start working again. My mechanic recently replaced the A/C blower motor, but the issue is still occurring. Any idea what the problem might be?
AnswerHi Christina.
sounds like either a battery cable issue or a bad/loose ground.
the battery cables on these cars go bad and the hotter it gets the more resistance there is in them and the battery voltage to the car drops to the point that the on board modules drop out due to low voltage. there is also a main body ground on the r/f frame rail under the fuse boxo just rear of the battery that corrodes and you get all kinds of weird issues like you stated. The A?C blower motor would not have anything to do with this any ways. that is a place to start I'm assuming that thing has a good battery in it and the alternator is charging properly. you stop by a big box auto parts store and have the battery and charging system checked for free. most of them offer that with the hope you will by the parts needed from them. Good luck :-}