Pontiac Repair: Cavalier speedo issue

Hi Todd-

I know this is a Chevy question but no Chevy expert and I think this car is basically the same as a Pontiac Sunfire.

My daughter is looking at buying a 2003 Chevy Cavalier (2.2/Auto) from a private party. A few minor issues but the one I can't figure out is that the speedo will not go back to zero. Stops between 10-15mph. Seems to work OK as the car is moving but stop and it shows 12mph. Is this speedo cable driven so a little lube might fix it or electronic and I have bigger (and more expensive) issues if she buys it.


Hi Jim;

it needs a speedo assembly which is the complete insterment cluster. on that car they call it a smart cluster. if it reads correctly at speed I wouldn't worry too much about it but it will fail completely at some time.  you may be able to buy one at a junk yard depending on the state your in some allow it some do not. But the mileage is burned into the cluster so what ever you get try to find one with less mileage. You can always get one from a dealer. we get them from a reman facility usually they are under $300.00 but they need to be set up with a scan tool to make it work. that is the other option.  Oh they are electronically driven haven't had speedo cables in almost 30 years.