Pontiac Repair: Repair Parking Brake
QuestionI have a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am V4 2.2L and my parking brake when pulled it doesn't stay up. Can this be fixed and is there a site where I can order the part from...? Or do I have to go to a local pick n pull to see if I can find one there...
AnswerHi Brandon:
well with out seeing it It's hard to say what happened to it. either the parking brake equalizer broke and it's not putting any pressure on the cable so it will not latch OR the lever in the car is broken I can't say for sure. pull on the handle and have someone look under the car to see if they can see the cables move that is a good indication as to where it's broken. You can get parts for these any where The lever is an issue I'm sure ther is no more new stock for them so that is a junk yard part but the cables and equalizer you can get at any parts store or even on like at a place like rockauto.com
good luck :-}