Pontiac Repair: tranny issue on a 2002 pontiac grandprix gtp sc
QuestionQUESTION: i replaced the passenger cv shaft and noticed a lot of play where the cv shaft plugs into tranny. i pulled diff cover or tranny extention housing off and found close to a 1/4 in. of play in the whole thing. so im trying to find out if there is a way the diff gears and tranny hook if there is a way to tighten anything without removing tranny.or if the tranny output shaft rides on a bearing that is possible replacable from the outside. just lost my job and only thing i can do is fix it myself if you can please help. thank you for your time
ANSWER: Hi Paul:
Other then the play/slop you mentioned that is called end play. what is the actual problem? noise axle seal leak what? the end play in the transmission shaft meaning inward and outward travel of the shaft is adjusted inside the trnamission with a selectable shim. you can't do anything with it from outside. there is also a washer in that extension housing that preloads the differential and when you take that housing off it "seems" worse then it is. so again what is the actual issue here?
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: OK so this started out as a low growl or howl when driving down road. Over a couple months time it got real loud and became scary to.drive. uz of the noise. I thought wheel bearing. I jacked car up and bearing seemed solid but the cv shaft on passenger side was bad. but it didn't have all the sounds when u turned just the constant noise when driving. I replaced cv shaft and when I Inserted it into hook up with tyranny I noticed a lot more play in that end of shaft then I remember on Anyone's I'd done before. Still I put it together and although the noise wasquieted alot that low growl was there sounds like a bad bearing. So i thought mabey where the cv shaft plugs in to tranny there might be a bearing in case that went bad. So drove it a lil to long till noise got real bad again only worse than last i. Like a months time. So i took it all apart again and the cv shaft was bad again i. Same place and i took the housing off.this time and notice all the play up and down that the whole diff assymbly had. But i also noticed the wheel bearimg although not loose at all had Didnt spin freely and had a bad bearing sound when u spin it by hand. So i think thats most of the info i have and again thank you for your time
Answerare you sure it's not the wheel bearing on the other side of the car? you chasing a non problem. unless a bearing inside the ttrnamission came apart of the lowest gear set inside the trnamission came apart usually the noise is not from the transmission. if it were that gear set in the transmission when they break they blow apart and then you have no drive. there usually is never any issue inside the differential either uinless you got it stuck in the snow. Like I said the play you feel Is normal with out the housing there will "appear to have more play then normal"