Pontiac Repair: 3100 sfi will not run
QuestionI have a 94 beretta it has a motor swap of a 3.1 liter SfI I can get its turnover I cannot get it to start it has fuel to the top of the rail has good spark it will run if gas is put in through the intake how do I make it run I believe it to security issue I could be wrong though please help
Answerhi mike:
I'm not a chevy guy. but you could be right about security issue. if that is the case the injectors are tuned off. Try this disconnect the battery and let it sit for 10 minutes. reconnect the battery. try to crank the car over if it spits and spoutters and dies leave the key in the run and watch for a security lamp of a lock light on the dash like I said I'm not checvy so I don't know what the security system does reguardless if that light is on or is flashing let it sit for 10 minutes with the key in the run position the light should go out or stop flashing. then turn the key off for one minute and try starting it again. for a pass key system that is in a sun fire or a grand am that is what makes the syst m relearn the lock cylinder password. give it a try and good luck :-)