Pontiac Repair: Replacing Purge valve, theft deterrent module, and supercharger bypass solenoid
QuestionI have a 2001 Pontiac Bonneville SSEi supercharged 3.8L V6 VIN#1- I took the car to a chevy dealership to have them do the engine diagnostics test and they gave me a list of parts I needed, but wanted 3,900 to do all the repairs. Anyways, I have the parts but I am having some trouble locating them on the vehicle. I am looking for the Purge valve solenoid, the theft deterrent module, supercharger bypass solenoid, and the transmission pressure control solenoid. I noticed you mentioned you don't have much knowledge of transmissions but any and all information you could give me about finding and changing these parts out would be greatly appreciated with a donation.
AnswerHi Jonathan:
those are some pretty heavy duty parts to replace. the purge valve is on the engine the vacuum line is attached to the engine and then goes to the purge valve then back to the gas tank. it's on a metal bracket attached to the engine take the new part out of the box and then you will know which valve you looking for. The super charger valve is near the purge valve is is vacuum operated as well same thing look at the new one and you will then the old one on the engine. those 2 are easy. The theft module is attached to the lock cylinder in the dash, it just clips onto the lock cylinder the issue is it has to be learned to the car and the car learn to the module. the learn process needs to be done with a scan tool which you will not have access to do this job it's a dealer only or an AC Delco repair shop repair. the transmission pressure control solenoid is the biggest part that need to be replaced in terms of labor time. it's inside the transmission. the side cover needs to be removed to gain access into the unit to replace the solenoid. this is NOT a job for the do it your selfer. the engine sub frame needs to be lowered from the body which requires separating the suspension from the frame and part of the steering just to get into the transmission. again this is not a do it your self job and part of the reason the dealer wants to charge you so much to do the job you looking at a trained person that does this job all the time it will take them 3-4 hours or more and they have all the equipment/tools to do the job.
good luck on the easy parts.