Pontiac Repair: Fuel problems?
QuestionQUESTION: I have a 92 grand am that will crank but won't start. Took the inlet side of the fuel line off of the filter and turned the key on to see if it would squirt out and it did. I can't find the shraeder valve anywhere that they say is on the fuel rail. How and where do I check the pressure. Thank you!
ANSWER: Hi chris:
I'll assume this has a 4 cylinder engine in it? if so they do not have a pressure tap. you need aguage with adpators to put it in line with the filter. if it's a V6 the valve is right on the fule rail on the engine. did you check for spark and injetor pulse? you need a noid light to check the injetor pulse do not use a test light. for check spark on that engine you can just tak the coil assembly off the top of the engine (4 cylinder) and hold the pis of the coils about 1/4" waya from the top of the engine with the coil assembly still plugged in have some one crank the engine over you shoukd have spark on all 4 tips. if you have spark and injetor pulse it's either a fuel pressure issue or an engine mechanical issue. if you have no pulse and no spark chances are it hs a bad crank shaft position sensor. good luck :-)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Where is the crank shaft position sensor?
Answerit's in the bottom of the engine block under where the oil filter is. it has a 2 wire connetor on it the wires are purple and yellow. If you have to replace it use care when remocing then have a tendency to get "stuck" in the block. carb cleaner and penetrating oil will aid you getting it out If you need to.