Pontiac Repair: No Heat
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Todd, I have a 1996 chevy corsica. 2.2L engine. My problem is that when I let the car warm up, it blows warm, not hot for roughly 30 seconds, then blows cold. I don't smell any antifreeze. Any suggestions? Thanks, Bob.
well first off when it's cold check to make sure the coolant level is full. if it's not then there is a leak But where? that engine of that vintage was very common for head gaskets to leak. actually super common to leak! if the coolant level is full then I would think makye an issue with a restricted heater core if the coolant is full but looks dirty/rusty looking then I would attecpt a back flush of the heater core. it may alos not be a bad idea to have the thermostat changed the car is 18 years old. hope that helps. good luck :)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Hi Todd, I changed the thermostat, and it seems to be blowing a 100% warmer, but not hot like it's supposed to. Could it be that I didn't bleed all the air ? Thank's Bob.
AnswerYes that is possable that engine is hard to burp the air out of. depending on the year and body application there is a metal return pipe that is part of the heater tubes that has an air bleed in it. Usually there is a wraning sticker near the bleed to tell you there is hot water in it duh! with the engine up to operating temp or sloe to it crack open that bleeder and see it you burp out any air make sure not to burn your self. on some applications that bleeder is on the thermostat housing. I'm not a chevy guy but a GM guy each car model is a bit different but all the same idea. if you bleed out some air once the car is shut off and cooled down completely top off the over flow tabk again.
good luck.