Pontiac Repair: A/C Compressor Clutch Jingling Sound, compressor clutch, pontiac grand am
QuestionI have a 2002 Pontiac Grand Am with a 3.4 v6, recently I started hearing a noise whenever I turn my A/C off. It makes a jingling/rattling noise until I turn it back on again and then it ceases. This happens occasionally not all the time. Is my clutch bad or does it need adjusted? Thanks for the help.
AnswerHi Dustin:
yes your right the cluth is bad on the front of the compressor. the fact that it' making that noise would also indicate that possably the pulley/hub is bad on the front of the compressor as well. On a 12 year old car cut your losses and just replace the whole compressore don't screw around replacing the hub and the clutch. You need special tools to do the job and the alignment of the clutch to hub is critical. you can find reman compressors at a fair price. Good luck :-)