Pontiac Repair: A/C Relay, amp fuse, clutch control
QuestionQUESTION: There are 5 relays behind the headlight under the hood of my 1995 Pontiac Transport. Which one is the A/C compressor relay.
look at the wiring on the relays which ever one has a darg green wire on it will be the one for the a/c compressor. the green wire is the power feed going to the compressore clutch.
good luck :-)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: I found the relay and checked it. It works perfectly. Where does the coil voltage for the relay come from? On the Circuit breaker/Relay panel, there is a 15 amp fuse in position 2 (With 3800 V6 engine only: Canister Purge Solenoid, A/C Clutch Control Relay, Cruise Control. This fuse blows when the A/C switch is turned on and causes the service eng lite to come on. Does the coil voltage pass thru this fuse?
AnswerYes your are correct. unplug the compressor clutch at the cluth obviously do it with the engine off. then replace the fuse start the van up and turn the a/c on if the fuse doesn't blow the coil is shorthed out for the compressor cluth. if it still blows there is a short between clutch and the fuse and you need to narrow it down more but my guess is the clutch coil is bad. You need all kinds of special tools to replace the coil and there is a spec that needs to be set between the clutch hub/pulley and the clutch which is critical and again If I were guessing the cluthc and hub are bad as well as the coil so a complete compressore is less of a aheadache for you.
good luck :-)