Pontiac Repair: 2006 G6 Wont start, 2006 pontiac g6, pontiac g6

Hi, I have a 2006 Pontiac G6 with the 3.5L V6 engine throughout 2 years it would have rough starts as you know, as of 3 weeks ago my battery would drain quickly and would stall randomly I put a new battery in 2 weeks ago and then I had more frequent stalls car just clicking and don't know if this is relevant but my key fob lock button no longer works.  A week ago my car stalled on the freeway after my cruise began to accelerate up a climb.  The car would not start again, click only dash lights and electrical things.  I have checked all fuses, battery,alternator,starter, and yesterday to narrow it down from electrical or fuel I used some starter fluid which all most did it but didn't...sorry to be so lengthy but I would appreciate any direction you could set me in....

Hi tim:

well it can be any # of things. all of the cars modules are tied into each other if you have a secuirty system fault it will not start it will cut the fuel off. you need a scan tool for this and start with checking for codes and see what if any modules have codes and go from there. if ther are no codes then you need to star at square one and check for fuel pressure that engine needs about 50 PSi to run. if you don't have that much pressure you need to see why. if you have fuel pressure next check for spark on all 6 cylindrers. and go from there if you don't have spark.