Pontiac Repair: need help with pontiac, buss bar, radiator hose

QUESTION: i just replaced the coolant elbow on my 2000 Pontiac and every time i go to drive it, it just spits and sputter. i don`t know what else to do.

ANSWER: Hi chelsea:

what model is this? it it a 3800 engine? did it over heat? usually a spit and sputter issue is spark plug or spark plug related. you could have a bad set of plug wires cuaing this engine to misfire..

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: its a 3800 series bonneville. It was over heating untill i fixed the thermostat, the top radiator hose, and the coolant elbows. Now it spits and sputters. Worste when im in reverse or drive. It acts like it doesnt want to go over 1 1/2 rpms. It will if you force it. But right now it does not over heat it. and my check engine light is on.

is the check engine light flashing or just on? if it's just on drive it to a big box auto parts store and have the car scanned for codes they do it for free and see what trouble codes are stored. one thging to look at is near the coolant bypass elbow there is a main ground buss bar on the engine it's a platic box with a wire eyelet on it and out of the bor ther are 3 or more black wires coming out of that box that is a main ground for the engine computer make sure that was not disturbed when you replaced the elbow.