Pontiac Repair: 2007 Pontiac G5 Daytime Running Lights, daytime running lights, 2007 pontiac g5
QuestionQUESTION: My daytime running lights are staying on after I turn the car off. Why would that be and what can I do?
ANSWER: Hi chris:
First off I see your from Canada. The lamp systems on your cars are different then that in the USA. that aside. do they stay on and kill the battery or do they just stay on for a short while then automatically turn off. there is a difference is which way to look at this issue. the body control module runs the DRL's but the DRL control is dependant on a bunch of things ambinet light head lamp switch position etc.. With out seeing this and know knowing if there are any codes stored it could go in a few different ways as to what the issue here is. I would stop by one of the big box auto parts stores and have the car scanned for codes first off they do it for free. if any codes are stored it will give a direction in which wayt go to fix this. An easy fix for this would be to pull the DEL relay in the fuse box but more then likley it will effect the headlight operation/auto headlamp operation too :(
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: The lights do stay on and it did drain the battery a bit, by the time I noticed that they were still on. I do have it set on the automatic position.
Unfortunately we do not have a Big Box Auto Parts store here.:(
Could it be a faulty relay? Can that be replaced and is it expensive?
AnswerIt could be a relay that is stuck on or the body control module is keeping it on it's a crap shoot. the relay is cheap maybe $20.00 you can try swapping it with another relay in the fuse box that is stamped with the same part # on it and see what happens. You may get lucky.