Pontiac Repair: 1997 Bonneville SE, 3.8 liter vin k, upper intake manifold, white smoke

Hey, The other day i was driving down the road with my car and noticed it was smoking from the exhaust( white smoke ).  i stopped to check the fluids and i filled the antifreeze and now it wont start.  the solenoid engages but the starter doesn't turn.  i read about someone having a similar issue and it being hydrolocked so i removed the spark plugs and it cranked.  when put them back in it almost cranked over but then stopped and now even taking the plugs out doesn't help at all.  i took the starter off, twice and had it tested and it tested as good.  please help me, i don't know what else to try

Hi corey:

yes it hydro locked. the upper intake manifold is warped and the gasket failed and coolan leaked into the lower intake and filled up the cylinders with coolant. you need to replace the upper plastic intake manifold and gasket. pull out all the spark plugs and crank the engine over and get the coolant out of the cylinders. replace thespark plugs with ne ones. when your all done and it'r running change the engine oil the coolant will gte into the pan and inttermix with the oil and thatwill kill the bearings in the engine! good luck :-)