Pontiac Repair: wiring harness, pontiac montana sv6, 2005 pontiac montana sv6
Questionwhat colour wire is a 12 volt+ accessory wire in the harness where the stereo is? i removed the factory radio and installed an aftermarket deck the deck only gets the 12 volts constant and ground from the wiring harness( it works like a radio does when the key is in the off position so it will show you the time when you push the power button and eject a cd) when i checked the pins in the factory harness and the after market one the pins don't line up so i need to either move the pin or splice the wires together, my problem is i cant find a good wiring digram for the car and my volt meter broke so its no help, the car is a 2005 Pontiac montana sv6.
AnswerHi jeffrey:
that radio doesn't have an accy wire. the radio "wakes up" when the car starts up Via the serial data line for all the computers on the van. you will need to run a seprate wire from the fuse box on the right side of the dash to the radio for accy power. use a test light and see what wires are constant battery and which ones have power at key on. good luck ;-)