Pontiac Repair: 2008 PONTIAC TORRENT, electrical mechanic, corner garage

QUESTION: Car was locked with keyless remote. Unlocked using my key manually, lights flashed, placed key in the ignition and drove home.  Couple days later, the headlights would go in and out, and now the horn, blinkers, wipers and headlights don't work at all. I have disconnected the negative side of the battery for about 30 minutes, no luck.  Please help.  Thanks.

ANSWER: Hi Leanne:

did this have a dead battery recently and you jump started it and all this happened? or just got in it one day and all this other stuff quit working? I want to say that some sore of a power moding issue. I can't say that I have seen all of those things go out at one time. is there anything else that doesn't work like front or rear wipers power windows radio HVAC fan anything else?

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thanks for replying so fast. No new battery, or jump. Just got in one day after doing the opening manually thing and the headlights worked for a little bit, then went out.  The headlights will come on after 5 minutes or so, but go out again. The front and rear wipers don't work at all, and the horn and the blinkers don't either.  The windows, radio, heat, and interior lights do work. If this is something I can fix myself that would be awesome, but if not, do you suggest the dealer, or can any electrical mechanic fix this?  And what would you say would be a fair price to pay for dealer/other mechanic?
Not sure if important, but its a V-6

well the price is determined on what it wrong with it. labor rates vary from shop to shop and from dealer to dealer. I'm bias because I work at a dealer and we have some talented people to work on these cars and trucks. Our labor rates are higher then an independent shop but were familiar with the product where the corner garage is not. I can honestly tell you I have never heard of this issue on one of these before. It's an odd issue If I were to guess you have a power feed issue or power modding issue in the body control module. do the head lights come on if you manually turn them on? I'll assume that they come on and off by them self is when they are in auto mode? ?
A fair price to start would be an hour of labor to check it out at what ever the labor rate is. and the cost goes up from there. good luck :-)