Pontiac Repair: PassKey or Starter Problem, pontiac grand prix, fuse block
QuestionI have a 2005 Pontiac Grand Prix with the 3.8 liter. It will not crank. When the key is in the on position all lights inside and out are one. Turn to start and all the dash goes black but Headlights stay on. Have replaced the battery and ignition switch. With the key on I jumped across the starter and it spins but does not crank over the engine. Is this a starter or a passkey issue.
Thanks for your help.
AnswerHi Brian:
Yes it counds like it is. replacing the key could contribute to your issue. the key needs to be learned to the car. when you try to start the car does the DIC above the radio say anything like "security" or diaplay any kind of message? in order for a new key to be learned the car has to start. the way a key is learned is you crank and start the car turn the key off and and then quickly insert the new key and crank the car over again and it will learn the new key. Also with the new key depending on the factory security system make sure the new key has the same marking on it the shank of the old key sohould have a PK3 or a + make sure the new one has the same markings. Another thing to look at on these cars is the main body ground it's under the hood bu the under hood fuse block on the fram rail make sire the wire is clean and the bolt is tight on the body that gound causes lots of issues!!!! good luck :-)