Pontiac Repair: Interior lites on 1996 Pontiac Bonneville SE, pontiac bonneville, time dean
QuestionNoticed a Fan-Like noise from the passenger side under glove compartment and the interior lights wont work,if I pull the fuse,for the interior lights the fan-like noise stops,and the interior lights come on again,but after a few minutes,the lights go out,and the noise starts up again,could this be related to the interior light relay or map module you referred to in earlier questions I went through? Just not too sure what to fix or where to start as its quite Cluttered in that area of the Car! Thanks for your Time
AnswerHi dean:
there are 3 things under that side of the dash You more then likely hear a relay clicking on and off fast??? There is a fuse box and relay panel there along with the MALL module and the RFA module. they are all tied into each other sort of. you need to see which componet in makeing the noise and work backwards from there if it's comming from the relay or one of the modules. some of them have intrernal relays that could be clicking on and off. with out the air of a scan tool your pretty much dead in the water at least with that you can see all the inputs to the modules and see if you have a door jam switch that is acting up cuaing the issue a latch/tamper switch something is feeding a module bad inputs caying the issue or you just have a module that is out to lucch and it sending a bad siganl out to the relay for the interior lights. I know I'm not making it very clear but onthose older "H" body cars they mad the system way more complex then it had to be. good luck :-}