Pontiac Repair: ABS/brake/traction control warning light, shotgun approach, speed sensors
QuestionQUESTION: 2003 Buick LeSabre, all above lights are on all the time. Dealer wants to replace ABS unit for $1,500 and says that "might" fix it. Any way to narrow down problem rather than trying the shotgun approach?
ANSWER: Hi mike:
do you know ehat the codes are as to the reason the lights are on? with out knowing the reason the light is on it's kind of hard to tell you what may be wrong with this. I can tell you that vintage car had issuews with both the BMPV (pressure valve with motor) and with the EBCM (eletronic control module) I doube it's both that have an issue and for that price it may be both parts. Usually it's 1 or the other that turns the light on for a "relay" code in the eletronic unit. have the car scanned for codes at one of the big box auto parts stores and see what code(s) are stored and get back to me with the codes and I'll let you know what the codes are for an a possable repair path. Good luck :-)
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Dealer did not say he wanted to replace both of the above modules you mentioned; he said the ABS module, as I mentioned.
Codes include,
All historical codes, none current causing check engine light on.
Answerthe 1214 and 1248 are internal ebcm fault codes for the power relay as long as the motor is not shorted in the BPMV the code is for a bad ebcm. If the motor is shorted to ground it will cuase those codes as well. the other codes are for wheel speed sensors I think you have more then one thing going on here if the motor in the BPMV is NOT shorted to ground then rolling the dice with the EBCM is not a bad call. will the wheel speed sensor codes come back??? I don't know you will have to see but you have to start with the expensive part first and see what other codes go away or come back. There is not a clear cut answer here. EBCM's are not all that common on those to go bad but I have changed a few.
Oh the p1811 in the ECM is for a pressure control solenoid in the transmission. Very common for those cars as well. Hope that helps you out.