QuestionMy BCM is bad on my 02 pontiac. All the classic symptoms.
I bought a used one which did not work, I took it to the local GM dealer and they said it was VIN locked to annother car.
So now I am going to buy a OEM virgin BCM.
couple of questions, I got a core with the first one I bought plus I have the original core..what I am buying is the actual "brain" the top piece.
First question is should I use the original core? or the new "used" one.
Second, if I install the umprogrammed BCM and drive it to the dealership (if it will start-thats annother issue-dont know) would I cause any issues or ruin the new unit that way?
My other option is since the car is still apart but runs and drives should I just drive it there and install the new BCM at the dealership?
They told me they would program it for $88.00, which I have no problem with.
Thank you for you assistance and time.
Michael McCorry
AnswerHi Michael:
I knew when I was rweading thsi what the model was. VERY common issue with these. Yes the BCM is latched to what ever truck it's in and they are not interchangeable. take your original bcm and the junk yard one back to the junk yard and get the new one. It should start and run with the new BCM in it but none of the power accessories will work like the radio power windows etc.
once the vin is learned in the new bcm and the options set up you should be fine. good luck.
Thanks for donating your time and expertise on here as well. Good luck :-)