Pontiac Repair: 99 Chevy monte carlo, monte carlo ss, chevy monte carlo
QuestionI have changed my fuel pump fuel filter and coil pack. The engine. Will turn over. Aaand start for a seconed and then stall it shakes very bad and when I pump the gas it dies. What could cause my car not to run. It had new wires and this all started when I was putting gas in and got back in the car and it had died out and wouldn't start so I went through the process of illumination I am at a wall if you have any ideas please help. Thank you
AnswerHi Frank:
I'm not a chevy tech I'm a pontiac tech and there are differences between a Grand prix and a Monte carlo. What you have discribed to me could be a few things. Is this a monte carlo "ss" with a super charger? If so I would suspect 2 things either a lo speed balist resistor is bad or there is a secuity system issue. Not sure on a Chevy what system is in that car if the key has a stamp of PK3 or a + on the key it has a pass key system if when it dies the secuity lamp is on it could be a secuity issue that is cutting out the fule injetors. If this is a super charged car the fuel pump runs a hi speed to prime the fuel pump on a start then the pump runs though the resitor for low speed if that resistor is "open" the pump will fail to run and that is why it stalls out. Did you actually check the fuel pump pressure? That is the 2 directions I would look. Good luck :-)