Pontiac Repair: 97 Bonneville starter, radio shcak, chip resistance

I have a 97 Bonneville with a 3.8L. I'm sure it's the wiring frayed to cylinder or key pass chip. but thought I'd ask. There's no power to starter with the key but i can arch it over with a screw driver on the starter and it will start and die as soon as i quit arching it. I take it that if it has security issues it won't stay running with a simple starter arch.

Thanks for your help, Shane

HI shane:

if your a handy person. you can bypass the freyed pass key wires in the column. measure the resistance of the chip in the key with a digital ohm meter and goto radio shcak and find a resistor thgat matches the chip resistance and closely as possible and thenat the base of the steering column jump across the 2 thin gauge white wires those are the pass key ckts. jump across those wires with the resistor (bridge the ckts with the resistor and then your all set. to answer your question it sounds just like a pass key failure the wires break off at the ignition lock cylinder and then it will not crank and the security light is on. VERY common issue with those cars. good luck :)