Pontiac Repair: 1998 potiac sunfire 2.2, throttle position sensor, spark plug wires
QuestionHello my name is Susan! I have a 1998 pontiac sunfire 2.2 that the check engine light came on and when i had it checked at Advance it gave the code that its running rich! We've checked fuel injectors, replaced fuel regulator, oxygen sensor, map sensor, throttle position sensor, crank sensor, camshaft sensor, coolant temp sensor, and even removed cat converter and tried starting it thinking it might
have been that and it still is doing the same thing! It is missing and whenever you try to give it gas it misses bad and spits and sputters! Do you have any other suggestions? I have no clue what else it may be!
AnswerHi susan:
I would look at possably a bad ignitoon coil or a bad set of spark plug wires. However that will not cause your "rich" condition. It more then likley is the misfire though. just throwing al those parts at it trying to fix the issue may have added to the issue you have especiallty if you put aftermarket parts on it. I alway recomend putting factor eletronic parts back on the car that you are replacing. doesn't matter GM,Ford,Toyota etc only use O.E.M. parts a lot of times fits all parts cause more issues then they fix. So I would back track here. as far as the misfire use a spray bottle of water with a bit of windex in it just to color the water the alcohol in the cleaner is a good conductor spray the wires down and start the car up and see if it is misfireing just sitting there if you do it at night even better if it looks like a lightning show under the hood the wires are bad. good luck :-)