Pontiac Repair: 1982 pontiac j2000 fuel injected, pontiac j2000, distrubutor

QUESTION: I cannot get the car to fire I've tried everything from the ignition module to the computer & everything in between still no fire. What else could it be?

ANSWER: Hi Kara:
lets start from the begining. does it have spark? can you see fuel going into the engine when you crank it over with the air cleaner off? that is an overhead cam engine and the camshafy is driven by a belt if the belt breaks the cam will not turn and then you will not have spark or fuel. That could be the issue right there but with out seeing it I can't tell you for sure. if it has spark the cam is turning so it's not a broken belt BUT the belt may have jumped and the timing is way off then. That is where I would start looking.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: No it has no spark thats why im stumpted. ive put on a new timing belt, ignition module, computer, & a few more things buy i cant seem to get a spark. what am i missing?

Okay start over again. you need a few things for this to work. The ignition coil need power and ground. that coil has 2 plugs on it one is the harness from the engine and the other is the harness going to the distrubutor. the one that goes to the engine has a White wire and pink I belive the pink is battery power the white is ground turn the key to run and check across those wires the a test light should light if not look for a blow fuse or fuseable link or a bad ground. no the other side of the coil is the trigger from the distributor. I don't know off the top of my head the test for that BUT in the distributor there is a pick up coil if that is bad the engine will not have spark that is a hall effect type switch when the engine is turning there is a magnet that turns on the shaft and that magnet induces a signal into the pick up coil and then the coil tells the module the engine is turning. when you unplug that harness off the coil check the resistance of the pick up it should be between 800-1200 Ohms give or take a bit... if you don't have that the pick up coil is bad. You replaced everything else. That pick up coil is over looked a lot of times.