Pontiac Repair: Pontiac Grand Prix Acceleration Problems, orange county california, acceleration problems

QUESTION: 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix - V6, 3.1L

When returning from the Grand Canyon to Orange County, California, the Check-Engine light came on when the car started to struggle when pressing down on the accelerator, seeming as if not getting the air/fuel it needed, until it reached the higher gears and started to run smoothly.  Before it reached the final stop, the Check-Engine light turned off by itself.  When a diagnostic machine was used, it said that several systems were Okay/Ready, including Misfire, Fuel System, HO2 System, EGR, Comprehension, and Catalyst, while others, including the Evap System and the O2 Sensor, were Not Ready.  The EGR Valve was changed, but that didn't help the problem.  Now that the Check-Engine light is off, the diagnostic tool won't give any further information.

Can you help me?

a) What is/How do I fix/replace the Evap System?

b) What is/How do I fix/replace the O2 Sensor?

c) What other problems/solutions can you think of to assist me in my current efforts?

ANSWER: Hi Joey:

well first off does it run okay now that the light is off? what you looking at on a scan tool is the diagnostice test status. The engine control module will run those tests in due time when the engine operating conditions are right it will run the test and it will then either pass the tests or fail them and if they fail the light will come back on again. It takes mulptiple drive cycles for those tests to run. If the car is running okay now then dont worry about them. if the light comes back on then address the issue then and only then. Good luck :-}

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you for responding.

NO.  The car is not running okay, that is why I am in contact with YOU.

The Check-Engine Light turned off so I can no longer run diagnostics with my tool, but you are saying that the vehicle will run a self-diagnostic over time and I may see the Check-Engine Light come back on, correct?

However, the problem, despite the Check-Engine Light being turned off, still persists.

Forget about what the diagnostic tool does and whether the Check-Engine light will or will not turn on in the future.

How do I solve the problem of slow/struggling acceleration?

Does the EVAP System have anything to do with this?

Does the O2 Sensor(s) have anything to do with this?

Please answer the questions I have asked.

I did answer your question. This is a free service to you. I'm here to help I volunteer my time to this site.

the evap system will not effect this neither will the 02 unless the o2 is dead in that case it would turn on the service engine soon lamp. I would suspect that either you have a back pressure issue in the exhaust from a restricted converter or a plugged fuel filter and it's starving for fuel or a fuel pump that has pressure buts can't keep up with the volume needed to run the engine at a higher speed.