Pontiac Repair: brake bleeding, pontiac sunfire, break lines

I replaced the back break lines on my 1996 pontiac sunfire se and also put new drums and pads in. I went to bleed the brakes and the passenger side bleed fine but the drivers side i cant get any fluid out of and the resavor is full. The problem started when i applied the brakes and the peal went to the floor broke a line to the back do u think the master went out

Hi curt:

that car has diagonal braking. meaning the wya the mater cylinder is split off is the the l/r is paired with the r/f. see if you get fluid of of the r/f bleeder. Id not the master cylnder wnt bad when the pedal went to the floor. It happens if the master cylnder over strokes where the normal travel is of the pston in the cylinder it can damage a master cylinder. the other issue here could be your repair of the brak line. You used metal line with flair fittings to repair the leak not rubber hose or line with compression fittings? The only way to repair lines is with a flairing tool and metal line. any other repair is incorrect and can fail and or leak.