Pontiac Repair: Sunfires battery being drained, pontiac sunfire, aftermarket radio

I am having issues with my 99 Pontiac sunfire 4cyl 2.2. Sometimes  it won't start (everything is dead it wont even turn over) the battery is brand new. I am not sure what it could be. it doesnt happen all the time.

Hi Kristie:

how old is the battey in this car? do you do a lot short trip driving? battery drains are hard to find especially if it's an intermittant issue. Other then the chime module on those older cars there are not a lot of common failures. does this have any aftermarket things on it like a remote start or alarm? does it have an aftermarket radio? those are good places to look at as well for a draw. A basic car like those don't have a lot of potential battery draws unlike the new cars that have upwards of 30 onboard computer modules yours is very basic.... good luck :-}