Pontiac Repair: hard shifting, extended warranties, competition package
QuestionQUESTION: about 1 out 20 times using the car takes longer to shift both times it needs to shift, till getting up to cruising speed. could be the electric pressure control solenoid going bad? Is this a major fix? Is installing a shift kit to speed up the shifting makeany sense versus replacing solenoid.
ANSWER: Hi Stan:
what is this in? year and model? tranission shift kits don't make any sense. if your going into the tramission to install a kit your right they to replace the pressure control ssolenoid. todays trnamission are not designed to be fiddeled around with the are cheap! and once you start screwing around with the apply pressure your start breaking hard pieces in the tranmission and that gets expensive in a hurry.
Good luck :-}
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: it is a 2005 gtp competition package with a super charged 3.8. I still have a extended warranty left on it. You would think it should be covered case closed right! What kind of time and digging does it take to correct this problem?
AnswerIt's not a case closed issue. extended warranties have "fine print" they sometimes have stipulations that maintenance needs to be performed on the car before they will cover a repair on a component. engine repairs they May say you need X amount of oil changes in X amount of miles. for a cooling system repair they may stipulate that the coolant be flushed/changed. for a transmission repair they may want the fluid changed at X miles. Extended warranties a lot of times will not pay for diagnosis but when a problem is found they they will pick up the diag. time and the repair price. Unless it a GMPP policy they all suck! If the engine computer has a stored code of p1811 then that is all that it takes it will need a pressure solenoid.