Pontiac Repair: Bonneville noise when cold, bonneville ssei, hose clamp
QuestionMy 2003 Bonneville SSEi is very noisy when it starts first time....the noise is like a sucking/rattling from the top of the block...It goes away when the car warms up and when accelerating while it is cold. If I leave it for several hours and then start it, the noise is almost not noticeable.....only seems to be on first start up of the day.
Any idea's?
AnswerHi Brian:
Make sure the rubber hose between the air filter box and the engine is attached and the hose clamp is tight. If you went to an oil change place and the replaced the filter or check it chnaces re the hose wasn't put back on and on a cold start when the engine is sucking in more air due to the hight cold engine idle that is why you hear it. Good luck:}