Pontiac Repair: flushing radiator, radiator hose, radiator cap
QuestionQUESTION: i'm going to use blue devil on my 96 pontiac grand am.the directions say nothing about flushing the oil or changing the oil. do you think i should run the blue devil then change oil or should i flush oil when i flush radiator and stuff? if you think i should flush at same time, don't i need oil in my car to run the engine with the blue devil in it? also do i have to go from under the car to take out the thermostat, if so what needs to be removed to get to coolant pipe that it's on?
I have never heard of this product before? what is it for? I can tell you any kind of magic potion flush and or stop leaks "usually" do not work.... Let me know what the issue your having and what this product is for and I can try to guide you in the right direction.
Good luck :-}
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: Any suggestions on flushing a radiator on a 96 pontiac grand am 6 cylinder? I finally got the stupid thermostat off, but I couldn't find a drain cock, so I took off bottom hose. I'm just not sure since I don't have a radiator cap, I'll have to put water in bottom hose or overflow.I guess the main thing is what other opening should I use or open, the top radiator hose?
Answerfor the record the drain is on the left side of the radiator and it faces towards the front of the car it uses a 1/4" drive extension in it to loosen it up.
filling that engine up is tricky fill it from the surge tank and open the bleeder up the on the the pipe on top of the water pump and let the air escape when you fill the surge tank. then start the engine and once you get a steady stream of water out that bleeder close it and watch the temp gauge that it doesn;t over heat. turn on the heater to full hot aand VENT position and make sure your getting heat out of the vents if not there is air in the heater core open the bleeder back up and do the same thing.during all this keep topping off the surge tank onece it's up to temp and you have heat out the vents put the cap on and let it run for a few mor minutes. let it cool down over night and check the level in the tank in the AM. good luck :-}